Monday, July 21, 2008

From The Mistake Bank: a comic mistake story (it's funny, too)

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There are lots of ways to tell a story. One perhaps underappreciated way is via comics--a narrative combination of words and drawings.

Comics artist Josh Neufeld contributed to the Mistake Bank the great story pictured above, "Past Perfect Progressive in Prague." Perhaps you'll identify with the awkwardness of adapting to a new place and culture.

Josh's most recent work is the comic book "A.D."--taking on perhaps the greatest mistake of our time, Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. "A.D." follows the stories of six actual New Orleans residents from different neighborhoods and walks of life, through the calamity and thereafter. A powerful narrative containing real dialogue and settings, with hyperlinks to supporting documentation, it's truly an epic work. "A.D." is accessible on the SMITH Magazine site, and will be forthcoming as a printed book in summer 2009, the fourth anniversary of the hurricane.

Related posts:
"Understanding Comics"

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