Tuesday, October 31, 2006

IAC/InteractiveCorp update: web ventures by the dozen

Since I did the corporate blog review of IAC/InteractiveCorp last week, I've taken a heightened interest in news about the company. And today, the New York Times had a lengthy article on IAC's internet strategy. According to the article, IAC plans dozens of small ventures, such as their purchase of Collegehumor.com, rather than making larger and riskier acquisitions (read: Myspace, Youtube, etc.).

Among IAC's new ventures is Very Short List, a daily email newsletter (but not a blog; why not?), in collaboration with, among others, Kurt Andersen, formerly editor of New York Magazine and currently host of Studio360 on NPR. Very Short List is best described as a sort of tastemaker's recommendation for books, movies, etc., that you should be buying (and which you can buy through the site). According to the Times, it's in "pre-production" phase, which is probably why HTML error messages ensued when I tried to sign up for the newsletter.

They also plan a humor site in collaboration with Arianna Huffington. I'm laughing already!

All this internet activity points out that IAC needs some corporate blogs, now.

I'm available at a reasonable price, Mr. Diller.

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